MedConnectPlus – The Smart Solution for Health Care.
Primary Care Physician – Get your illnesses covered by our Primary Care Physician.No unnecessory referral to higher centres.
Doctor Home Visit-No struggle through traffic..No uncomfortable wait with other infected patients at the OPD for hours..Get our Doctor to come to your home.
Online Appointment-Don’t wait long time in queue to book appointment.Book your appointment online with few easy steps or call us.
Tele Communication-Communicate with our team by Phone, Email and Live Chat.Get notification of your appointment by email,SMS.
Electronic Health Record–We keep record of your health information which includes demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data.
Super Speciality Services-Don’t need to go here & there in search of Super Speciality Care.Our dedicated Primary Care Physician will refer you to our Super Speciality Doctors whenever necessary & will follow up.
- FULL BODY CHECKUP – Prevention is better than cure. Full Body Checkup helps to identify and treat any diseases at an early stage.
- HYPERTENSION CHECKUP – Hypertension Checkup is extremely beneficial for those with high blood pressure, heart disease, or cardiovascular risk factors. This checkup help in preventing any heart related ailments.
- DIABETES CHECKUP -The Diabetes Checkup will offer diagnosis, testing, patient education, management help, and resources to fight diabetes. Your diabetes can be better managed when you are looking at the whole picture.
- HEART CHECKUP – The Heart Checkup is required for individuals who have hereditary cardiac issues and suffer from diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity and are addicted to smoking, alcohol.
- THYROID CHECKUP -The Thyroid Checkup is extremely beneficial for patients with Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism and Infertility . Thyroid checkup helps to monitor treatment in patients with thyroid diseases.
- ARTHRITIS CHECKUP – Arthritis can be of various types mainly Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Autoimmune disorders, Gout & Psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Checkup helps to establish diagnosis and document the pathological process.
- HOME BLOOD SAMPLE COLLECTION – NO WAITING NO QUEUE Get Lab Tests done at comfort of your Home. Get Your Lab Test Done at Home in 3 Easy Steps I. Request a Call Back – Fill the simple form to request a Call Back II. Get Sample Collected – Get your Sample Collected from your Home. III. Get Your Report – Collect Your Report Online or From our Blood Collection Centre.